Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oracle 11g Release 1 RAC On Linux Using VMware Server

Oracle 11g Release 1 RAC On Linux Using VMware Server

This article describes the installation of Oracle 11g release 1 (11.1) RAC on Linux (Oracle Enterprise Linux 5) using VMware Server with no additional shared disk devices.


One of the biggest obstacles preventing people from setting up test RAC environments is the requirement for shared storage. In a production environment, shared storage is often provided by a SAN or high-end NAS device, but both of these options are very expensive when all you want to do is get some experience installing and using RAC. A cheaper alternative is to use a FireWire disk enclosure to allow two machines to access the same disk(s), but that still costs money and requires two servers. A third option is to use VMware Server to fake the shared storage.

Using VMware Server you can run multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) on a single server, allowing you to run both RAC nodes on a single machine. In additon, it allows you to set up shared virtual disks, overcoming the obstacle of expensive shared storage.

Before you launch into this installation, here are a few things to consider.
  • The finished system includes the host operating system, two guest operating systems, two sets of Oracle Clusterware, two ASM instances and two Database instances all on a single server. As you can imagine, this requires a significant amount of disk space, CPU and memory. I was able to complete this installation on a 3.4G Pentium 4 with 3G of memory, but it was extremely slow.
  • This procedure provides a bare bones installation to get the RAC working. There is no redundancy in the Clusterware installation or the ASM installation. To add this, simply create double the amount of shared disks and select the "Normal" redundancy option when it is offered. Of course, this will take more disk space.
  • During the virtual disk creation, I always choose not to preallocate the disk space. This makes virtual disk access slower during the installation, but saves on wasted disk space.
  • This is not, and should not be considered, a production-ready system. It's simply to allow you to get used to installing and using RAC.

Download Software

Download the following software.

VMware Server Installation

Regardless of the host OS, the setup of the virtual machines should be similar.

First, install the VMware Server software. On Linux you do this with the following command as the root user.
# rpm -Uvh VMware-server-*.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:VMware-server ########################################### [100%]
Then finish the configuration by running the vmware-config.pl script as the root user. Most of the questions can be answered with the default response by pressing the return key. The output below shows my responses to the questions.
# vmware-config.pl
Making sure services for VMware Server are stopped.

Stopping VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor [ OK ]

You must read and accept the End User License Agreement to continue.
Press enter to display it.


*** Editied out license agreement ***

Do you accept? (yes/no) yes

Thank you.

Configuring fallback GTK+ 2.4 libraries.

In which directory do you want to install the mime type icons?

What directory contains your desktop menu entry files? These files have a
.desktop file extension. [/usr/share/applications]

In which directory do you want to install the application's icon?

Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel.

The module bld-2.6.9-5.EL-i686smp-RHEL4 loads perfectly in the running kernel.

Do you want networking for your virtual machines? (yes/no/help) [yes]

Configuring a bridged network for vmnet0.

The following bridged networks have been defined:

. vmnet0 is bridged to eth0

All your ethernet interfaces are already bridged.

Do you want to be able to use NAT networking in your virtual machines? (yes/no)

Configuring a NAT network for vmnet8.

Do you want this program to probe for an unused private subnet? (yes/no/help)

Probing for an unused private subnet (this can take some time)...

The subnet appears to be unused.

The following NAT networks have been defined:

. vmnet8 is a NAT network on private subnet

Do you wish to configure another NAT network? (yes/no) [no]

Do you want to be able to use host-only networking in your virtual machines?
[yes] no

Trying to find a suitable vmnet module for your running kernel.

The module bld-2.6.9-5.EL-i686smp-RHEL4 loads perfectly in the running kernel.

Please specify a port for remote console connections to use [902]

Stopping xinetd: [ OK ]
Starting xinetd: [ OK ]
Configuring the VMware VmPerl Scripting API.

Building the VMware VmPerl Scripting API.

Using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override.

The installation of the VMware VmPerl Scripting API succeeded.

Do you want this program to set up permissions for your registered virtual
machines? This will be done by setting new permissions on all files found in
the "/etc/vmware/vm-list" file. [no] yes

Generating SSL Server Certificate

In which directory do you want to keep your virtual machine files?
[/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines] /u01/VM

Do you want to enter a serial number now? (yes/no/help) [no] yes

Please enter your 20-character serial number.


Starting VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor [ OK ]
Virtual ethernet [ OK ]
Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0 [ OK ]
Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet8 (background) [ OK ]
NAT service on /dev/vmnet8 [ OK ]
Starting VMware virtual machines... [ OK ]

The configuration of VMware Server e.x.p build-22874 for Linux for this running
kernel completed successfully.

The VMware Server Console is started by issuing the command "vmware" at the command prompt, or by selecting it from the "System Tools" menu.

VMware Server Menu

On the "Connect to Host" dialog, accept the "Local host" option by clicking the "Connect" button.

VMware Server Console Login

You are then presented with the main VMware Server Console screen.

VMware Server Console

The VMware Server is now installed and ready to use.

Virtual Machine Setup

Now we must define the two virtual RAC nodes. We can save time by defining one VM, then cloning it when it is installed.

Click the "Create a new virtual machine" button to start the "New Virtual Machine Wizard". Click the "Next" button onthe welcome page.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Welcome

Select the "Custom" virtual machine configuration and click the "Next" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Config Type

Select the "Linux" guest operating system option, and set the version to "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4", then click the "Next" button. The RHEL4 option is used because at the time of writing, the current version of VMware server doesn't explicitly support RHEL5, but this setting works fine.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Guest OS

Enter the name "RAC1" and the location should default to "/u01/VM/RAC1", then click the "Next" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Name

Select the required number of processors and click the "Next" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Processors

Uncheck the "Make this virtual machine private" checkbox and click the "Next" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Private

Select the amount of memory to associate with the virtual machine. Remember, you are going to need two instances, so don't associate too much, but you are going to need approximately 1 Gig (1024 Meg) to compete the installation successfully.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Memory

Accept the "Use bridged networking" option by clicking the "Next" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Network

Accept the "LSI Logic" option by clicking the "Next" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard IO Adapter

Select the "Create a new virtual disk" option and click the "Next" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard New Disk

Accept the "SCSI" option by clicking the "Next" button. It's a virtual disk, so you can still use this option even if your physical disk is IDE or SATA.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Disk Type

Set the disk size to "10.0" GB and uncheck the "Allocate all disk space now" option. The latter will make disk access slower, but will save you wasting disk space.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Disk Size

Accept "RAC1.vmdk" as the disk file name and complete the VM creation by clicking the "Finish" button.

New Virtual Machine Wizard Disk File

On the "VMware Server Console" screen, click the "Edit virtual machine settings" button.


On the "Virtual Machine Settings" screen, highlight the "Floppy 1" drive and click the "- Remove" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Remove Floppy

Click the "+ Add" button, select a hardware type of "Ethernet Adapter", then click the "Next" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Add Ethernet

Accept the "Bridged" option by clicking the "Finish" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Network Type

Finish by clicking the "OK" button on the Virtual Machine Settings dialog.

Virtual Machine Settings

The virtual machine is now configured so we can start the guest operating system installation.

Guest Operating System Installation

Place the first OEL 5 disk in the CD drive and start the virtual machine by clicking the "Power on this virtual machine" button. The right pane of the VMware Server Console should display a boot loader, then the OEL installation screen.

OEL Boot

Continue through the OEL 5 installation as you would for a normal server. A general pictorial guide to the installation can be found here. More specifically, it should be a server installation with a minimum of 2G swap, firewall and SELinux disabled and the following package groups installed:
  • GNOME Desktop Environment
  • Editors
  • Graphical Internet
  • Text-based Internet
  • Development Libraries
  • Development Tools
  • Server Configuration Tools
  • Administration Tools
  • Base
  • System Tools
  • X Window System
To be consistent with the rest of the article, the following information should be set during the installation:
  • hostname: rac1.localdomain
  • IP Address eth0: (public address)
  • Default Gateway eth0: (public address)
  • IP Address eth1: (private address)
  • Default Gateway eth1: none
You are free to change the IP addresses to suit your network, but remember to stay consistent with those adjustments throughout the rest of the article.

Once the basic installation is complete, install the following packages whilst logged in as the root user.
# From Enterprise Linux 5 Disk 1
cd /media/cdrom/Server
rpm -Uvh binutils-2.*
rpm -Uvh elfutils-libelf-0.*
rpm -Uvh glibc-2.*
rpm -Uvh glibc-common-2.*
rpm -Uvh libaio-0.*
rpm -Uvh libgcc-4.*
rpm -Uvh libstdc++-4.*
rpm -Uvh make-3.*
cd /

# From Enterprise Linux 5 Disk 2
cd /media/cdrom/Server
rpm -Uvh compat-libstdc++-33*
rpm -Uvh elfutils-libelf-devel-*
rpm -Uvh glibc-headers*
rpm -Uvh glibc-devel-2.*
rpm -Uvh libgomp*
rpm -Uvh gcc-4.*
rpm -Uvh gcc-c++-4.*
rpm -Uvh libaio-devel-0.*
rpm -Uvh libstdc++-devel-4.*
rpm -Uvh unixODBC-2.*
rpm -Uvh unixODBC-devel-2.*
cd /

# From Enterprise Linux 5 Disk 3
cd /media/cdrom/Server
rpm -Uvh sysstat-7.*
cd /

Oracle Installation Prerequisites

Perform the following steps whilst logged into the RAC1 virtual machine as the root user.

The /etc/hosts file must contain the following information.       localhost.localdomain   localhost
# Public rac1.localdomain rac1 rac2.localdomain rac2
#Private rac1-priv.localdomain rac1-priv rac2-priv.localdomain rac2-priv
#Virtual rac1-vip.localdomain rac1-vip rac2-vip.localdomain rac2-vip
Add the following lines to the /etc/sysctl.conf file.
kernel.shmmni = 4096
# semaphores: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semmni
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
Run the following command to change the current kernel parameters.
/sbin/sysctl -p
Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
oracle               soft    nproc   2047
oracle hard nproc 16384
oracle soft nofile 1024
oracle hard nofile 65536
Add the following lines to the /etc/pam.d/login file, if it does not already exist.
session    required     /lib/security/pam_limits.so
session required pam_limits.so
Disable secure linux by editing the /etc/selinux/config file, making sure the SELINUX flag is set as follows.
Alternatively, this alteration can be done using the GUI tool (System > Administration > Security Level and Firewall). Click on the SELinux tab and disable the feature.

Create the new groups and users.
groupadd oinstall
groupadd dba
groupadd oper
groupadd asmadmin

useradd -u 500 -g oinstall -G dba,oper,asmadmin oracle
passwd oracle
Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed.
mkdir -p /u01/crs/oracle/product/11.1.0/crs
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
Login as the oracle user and add the following lines at the end of the .bash_profile file.
# Oracle Settings
TMP=/tmp; export TMP

ORACLE_HOSTNAME=rac1.localdomain; export ORACLE_HOSTNAME
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.1.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME
PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH


if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
ulimit -p 16384
ulimit -n 65536
ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536

Install VMware Client Tools

Login as the root user on the RAC1 virtual machine, then select the "VM > Install VMware Tools..." option from the main VMware Server Console menu.

Install VMware Tools

This should mount a virtual CD containing the VMware Tools software. Double-click on the CD icon labelled "VMware Tools" to open the CD. Right-click on the ".rpm" package and select the "Open with 'Install Packages'" menu option.

Install VMware Tools Start

Click the "Continue" button on the "Completed System Preparation" screen and wait for the installation to complete.

Install VMware Tools Completed Prep

Once the package is loaded, the CD should unmount automatically. You must then run the "vmware-config-tools.pl" script as the root user.
# vmware-config-tools.pl
Accept all the default settings and pick the screen resolution of your choice. Ignore any warnings or errors. The VMware client tools are now installed. Reboot the server before proceeding. After the reboot, it is possible the monitor will not be recognised. If this is the case don't panic. Follow th instructions provided on the screen and reconfigure the monitor setting, which will allow the XServer to function correctly.

Create Shared Disks

Shut down the RAC1 virtual machine using the following command.
# shutdown -h now
Create a directory on the host system to hold the shared virtual disks.
# mkdir -p /u01/VM/shared
On the VMware Server Console, click the "Edit virtual machine settings" button. On the "Virtual Machine Settings" screen, click the "+ Add" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Hard Disk

Click the "Next" button on the welcome screen, then select the hardware type of "Hard Disk" and click the "Next" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Hard Disk

Accept the "Create a new virtual disk" option by clicking the "Next" button.

Virtual Machine Settings New Disk

Accept the "SCSI" option by clicking the "Next" button.

Virtual Machine Settings SCSI

Set the disk size to "10.0" GB and uncheck the "Allocate all disk space now" option, then click the "Next" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Size

Set the disk name to "/u01/VM/shared/ocr.vmdk" and click the "Advanced" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Disk Name

Set the virtual device node to "SCSI 1:1" and the mode to "Independent" and "Persistent", then click the "Finish" button.

Virtual Machine Settings Disk Advanced

Repeat the previous hard disk creation steps 4 more times, using the following values:
  • File Name: /u01/VM/shared/votingdisk.vmdk
    Virtual Device Node: SCSI 1:2
    Mode: Independent and Persistent

  • File Name: /u01/VM/shared/asm1.vmdk
    Virtual Device Node: SCSI 1:3
    Mode: Independent and Persistent

  • File Name: /u01/VM/shared/asm2.vmdk
    Virtual Device Node: SCSI 1:4
    Mode: Independent and Persistent

  • File Name: /u01/VM/shared/asm3.vmdk
    Virtual Device Node: SCSI 1:5
    Mode: Independent and Persistent
At the end of this process, the virtual machine should look something like the picture below.

Virtual Machine Settings Final

Edit the contents of the "/u01/VM/RAC1/RAC1.vmx" file using a text editor, making sure the following entries are present. Some of the tries will already be present, some will not.
disk.locking = "FALSE"
diskLib.dataCacheMaxSize = "0"
diskLib.dataCacheMaxReadAheadSize = "0"
diskLib.dataCacheMinReadAheadSize = "0"
diskLib.dataCachePageSize = "4096"
diskLib.maxUnsyncedWrites = "0"

scsi1.present = "TRUE"
scsi1.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
scsi1.sharedBus = "VIRTUAL"

scsi1:1.present = "TRUE"
scsi1:1.mode = "independent-persistent"
scsi1:1.fileName = "/u01/VM/shared/ocr.vmdk"
scsi1:1.deviceType = "plainDisk"
scsi1:1.redo = ""

scsi1:2.present = "TRUE"
scsi1:2.mode = "independent-persistent"
scsi1:2.fileName = "/u01/VM/shared/votingdisk.vmdk"
scsi1:2.deviceType = "plainDisk"
scsi1:2.redo = ""

scsi1:3.present = "TRUE"
scsi1:3.mode = "independent-persistent"
scsi1:3.fileName = "/u01/VM/shared/asm1.vmdk"
scsi1:3.deviceType = "plainDisk"
scsi1:3.redo = ""

scsi1:4.present = "TRUE"
scsi1:4.mode = "independent-persistent"
scsi1:4.fileName = "/u01/VM/shared/asm2.vmdk"
scsi1:4.deviceType = "plainDisk"
scsi1:4.redo = ""

scsi1:5.present = "TRUE"
scsi1:5.mode = "independent-persistent"
scsi1:5.fileName = "/u01/VM/shared/asm3.vmdk"
scsi1:5.deviceType = "plainDisk"
scsi1:5.redo = ""
Start the RAC1 virtual machine by clicking the "Power on this virtual machine" button on the VMware Server Console. When the server has started, log in as the root user so you can partition the disks. The current disks can be seen by issueing the following commands.
# cd /dev
# ls sd*
sda sda1 sda2 sdb sdc sdd sde sdf
Use the "fdisk" command to partition the disks sdb to sdf. The following output shows the expected fdisk output for the sdb disk.
# fdisk /dev/sdb
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only,
until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous
content won't be recoverable.

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1305.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)

Command (m for help): n
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First cylinder (1-1305, default 1):
Using default value 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-1305, default 1305):
Using default value 1305

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/sdb: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1305 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 1 1305 10482381 83 Linux

Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.
In each case, the sequence of answers is "n", "p", "1", "Return", "Return", "p" and "w".

Once all the disks are partitioned, the results can be seen by repeating the previous "ls" command.
# cd /dev
# ls sd*
sda sda1 sda2 sdb sdb1 sdc sdc1 sdd sdd1 sde sde1 sdf sdf1
Add the following commands to the /etc/rc.local file.
chown oracle:oinstall /dev/sdb1
chown oracle:oinstall /dev/sdc1
chown oracle:oinstall /dev/sdd1
chown oracle:oinstall /dev/sde1
chown oracle:oinstall /dev/sdf1
chmod 600 /dev/sdb1
chmod 600 /dev/sdc1
chmod 600 /dev/sdd1
chmod 600 /dev/sde1
chmod 600 /dev/sdf1
The shared disks are now configured. We don't have to worry about defining raw devices, which are deprecated in Enterprise Linux 5.

Clone the Virtual Machine

The current version of VMware Server does not include an option to clone a virtual machine, but the following steps illustrate how this can be achieved manually.

Shut down the RAC1 virtual machine using the following command.
# shutdown -h now
Copy the RAC1 virtual machine using the following command.
# cp -R /u01/VM/RAC1 /u01/VM/RAC2
Edit the contents of the "/u01/VM/RAC2/RAC1.vmx" file, making the following change.
displayName = "RAC2"
Ignore discrepancies with the file names in the "/u01/VM/RAC2" directory. This does not affect the action of the virtual machine.

In the VMware Server Console, select the File > Open menu options and browse for the "/u01/VM/RAC2/RAC1.vmx" file. Once opened, the RAC2 virtual machine is visible on the console. Start the RAC2 virtual machine by clicking the "Power on this virtual machine" button and click the "Create" button on the subsequent "Question" screen.


Ignore any errors during the server startup. We are expecting the networking components to fail at this point.

Log in to the RAC2 virtual machine as the root user and start the "Network Configuration" tool (System > Administration > Network).

Network Configuration

Remove the devices with the "%.bak" nicknames. To do this, highlight a device, deactivate, then delete it. This will leave just the regular "eth0" and "eth1" devices. Highlight the "eth0" interface and click the "Edit" button on the toolbar and alter the IP address to "" in the resulting screen.

eth0 General

Click on the "Hardware Device" tab and click the "Probe" button. Then accept the changes by clicking the "OK" button.

eth0 Hardware Devices

Repeat the process for the "eth1" interface, this time setting the IP Address to "", and making sure the default gateway is not net for the "eth1" interface.

Click on the "DNS" tab and change the host name to "rac2.localdomain", then click on the "Devices" tab.

Network Configuration DNS

Once you are finished, save the changes (File > Save) and activate the network interfaces by highlighting them and clicking the "Activate" button. Once activated, the screen should look like the following image.

Network Configuration Final

Edit the /home/oracle/.bash_profile file on the RAC2 node to correct the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOSTNAME values.
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=rac1.localdomain; export ORACLE_HOSTNAME
Start the RAC1 virtual machine and restart the RAC2 virtual machine. When both nodes have started, check they can both ping all the public and private IP addresses using the following commands.
ping -c 3 rac1
ping -c 3 rac1-priv
ping -c 3 rac2
ping -c 3 rac2-priv
At this point the virtual IP addresses defined in the /etc/hosts file will not work, so don't bother testing them.

Configure SSH on each node in the cluster. Log in as the "oracle" user and perform the following tasks on each node.
su - oracle
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa # Accept the default settings.
The RSA public key is written to the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub file and the private key to the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file.

Log in as the "oracle" user on RAC1, generate an "authorized_keys" file on RAC1 and copy it to RAC2 using the following commands.
su - oracle
cd ~/.ssh
cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
scp authorized_keys rac2:/home/oracle/.ssh/
Next, log in as the "oracle" user on RAC2 and perform the following commands.
su - oracle
cd ~/.ssh
cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
scp authorized_keys rac1:/home/oracle/.ssh/
The "authorized_keys" file on both servers now contains the public keys generated on all RAC nodes.

To enable SSH user equivalency on the cluster member nodes issue the following commands on each node.
ssh rac1 date
ssh rac2 date
ssh rac1.localdomain date
ssh rac2.localdomain date
exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL
You should now be able to SSH and SCP between servers without entering passwords.

Before installing the clusterware, check the prerequisites have been met using the "runcluvfy.sh" utility in the clusterware root directory.
/mountpoint/clusterware/runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac1,rac2 -verbose
If you get any failures be sure to correct them before proceeding.

It's a good idea to take a snapshot of the virtual machines, so you can repeat the following stages if you run into any problems. To do this, shutdown both virtual machines and issue the following commands.
# cd /u01/VM
# tar -cvf RAC-PreClusterware.tar RAC1 RAC2 shared
# gzip RAC-PreClusterware.tar
The virtual machine setup is now complete.

Install the Clusterware Software

Start the RAC1 and RAC2 virtual machines, login to RAC1 as the oracle user and start the Oracle installer.
On the "Welcome" screen, click the "Next" button.

Clusterware Welcome

Accept the default inventory location by clicking the "Next" button.

Clusterware Inventory

Enter the appropriate name and path for the Oracle Home and click the "Next" button.

Clusterware Oracle Home

Wait while the prerequisite checks are done. If you have any failures correct them and retry the tests before clicking the "Next" button.

Clusterware Prerequisites

The "Specify Cluster Configuration" screen shows only the RAC1 node in the cluster. Click the "Add" button to continue.

Clusterware Cluster Config

Enter the details for the RAC2 node and click the "OK" button.

Clusterware Cluster Config Add

Click the "Next" button to continue.

Clusterware Cluster Config

The "Specific Network Interface Usage" screen defines how each network interface will be used. Highlight the "eth0" interface and click the "Edit" button.

Clusterware Network Interface Usage

Set the "eht0" interface type to "Public" and click the "OK" button.

Clusterware Network Interface Eth0 Type

Leave the "eth1" interface as private and click the "Next" button.

Clusterware Network Interface Usage

Click the "External Redundancy" option, enter "/dev/raw/raw1" as the OCR Location and click the "Next" button. To have greater redundancy we would need to define another shared disk for an alternate location.

Clusterware OCR Location

Click the "External Redundancy" option, enter "/dev/raw/raw2" as the Voting Disk Location and click the "Next" button. To have greater redundancy we would need to define another shared disk for an alternate location.

Clusterware Voting Disk Location

On the "Summary" screen, click the "Install" button to continue.

Clusterware Summary

Wait while the installation takes place.

Clusterware Install

Once the install is complete, run the orainstRoot.sh and root.sh scripts on both nodes as directed on the following screen.

Clusterware Post Install Scripts

The output from the orainstRoot.sh file should look something like that listed below.
# cd /u01/app/oraInventory
# ./orainstRoot.sh
Changing permissions of /u01/app/oraInventory to 770.
Changing groupname of /u01/app/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete
The output of the root.sh will vary a little depending on the node it is run on. The following text is the output from the RAC1 node.
# cd /u01/crs/oracle/product/11.1.0/crs
# ./root.sh
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product/11.1.0' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs/oracle' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01' is not owned by root
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
/etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.

Setting the permissions on OCR backup directory
Setting up Network socket directories
Oracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfully
The directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product/11.1.0' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01/crs/oracle' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01/crs' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.
node :
node 1: rac1 rac1-priv rac1
node 2: rac2 rac2-priv rac2
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
Now formatting voting device: /dev/sdc1
Format of 1 voting devices complete.
Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
Adding daemons to inittab
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Cluster Synchronization Services is active on these nodes.
Cluster Synchronization Services is inactive on these nodes.
Local node checking complete. Run root.sh on remaining nodes to start CRS daemons.
Ignore the directory ownership warnings. We should really use a separate directory structure for the clusterware so it can be owned by the root user, but it has little effect on the finished results.

The output from the RAC2 node is listed below.
# cd /u01/crs/oracle/product/11.1.0/crs
# ./root.sh
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product/11.1.0' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs/oracle' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01/crs' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/u01' is not owned by root
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
/etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.

Setting the permissions on OCR backup directory
Setting up Network socket directories
Oracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfully
The directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product/11.1.0' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01/crs/oracle/product' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01/crs/oracle' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01/crs' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
The directory '/u01' is not owned by root. Changing owner to root
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 4 detected.
clscfg: version 4 is 11 Release 1.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.
node :
node 1: rac1 rac1-priv rac1
node 2: rac2 rac2-priv rac2
clscfg: Arguments check out successfully.

NO KEYS WERE WRITTEN. Supply -force parameter to override.
-force is destructive and will destroy any previous cluster
Oracle Cluster Registry for cluster has already been initialized
Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
Adding daemons to inittab
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Cluster Synchronization Services is active on these nodes.
Cluster Synchronization Services is active on all the nodes.
Waiting for the Oracle CRSD and EVMD to start
Waiting for the Oracle CRSD and EVMD to start
Waiting for the Oracle CRSD and EVMD to start
Oracle CRS stack installed and running under init(1M)
Running vipca(silent) for configuring nodeapps

Creating VIP application resource on (2) nodes...
Creating GSD application resource on (2) nodes...
Creating ONS application resource on (2) nodes...
Starting VIP application resource on (2) nodes...
Starting GSD application resource on (2) nodes...
Starting ONS application resource on (2) nodes...

Here you can see that some of the configuration steps are omitted as they were done by the first node. In addition, the final part of the script ran the Virtual IP Configuration Assistant (VIPCA) in silent mode.

You should now return to the "Execute Configuration Scripts" screen on RAC1 and click the "OK" button.

Clusterware Post Install Scripts

Wait for the configuration assistants to complete.

Clusterware Config Assistants

When the installation is complete, click the "Exit" button to leave the installer.

Clusterware Complete

It's a good idea to take a snapshot of the virtual machines, so you can repeat the following stages if you run into any problems. To do this, shutdown both virtual machines and issue the following commands.
# cd /u01/VM
# tar -cvf RAC-PostClusterware.tar RAC1 RAC2 shared
# gzip RAC-PostClusterware.tar
The clusterware installation is now complete.

Install the Database Software and Create an ASM Instance

Start the RAC1 and RAC2 virtual machines, login to RAC1 as the oracle user and start the Oracle installer.
On the "Welcome" screen, click the "Next" button.

Database Welcome

Select the "Enterprise Edition" option and click the "Next" button.

Database Installation Type

Enter the name and path for the Oracle Home and click the "Next" button.

Database Specify Home

Select the "Cluster Install" option and make sure both RAC nodes are selected, the click the "Next" button.

Database Cluster Installation

Wait while the prerequisite checks are done. If you have any failures correct them and retry the tests before clicking the "Next" button.

Database Prerequisites

Select the "Configure Automatic Storage Management (ASM)" option, enter the SYS password for the ASM instance, then click the "Next" button.

Database Configuration Option

Select the "External" redundancy option (no mirroring), select all three raw disks (/dev/sdd1, /dev/sde1 and /dev/sdf1), then click the "Next" button.

Database Configure ASM

The candidate disks may not be listed at first. If this is the case, click the "Change Disk Discovery Path..." button, enter the value "/dev/sd*", then click the "OK" button. After a short pause, the candidate disks should be listed as above.

Database Configure ASM Discovery Path

Click the "next" button to avoid the Oracle Configuration Manager Registration.

Database Oracle Configuration Manager Registration

On the "Summary" screen, click the "Install" button to continue.

Database Summary

Wait while the database software installs.

Database Install

Once the installation is complete, wait while the configuration assistants run.

Database Configuration Asistants

Execute the "root.sh" scripts on both nodes, as instructed on the "Execute Configuration scripts" screen, then click the "OK" button.

Database Post Install Scripts

When the installation is complete, click the "Exit" button to leave the installer.

Database Complete

It's a good idea to take a snapshot of the virtual machines, so you can repeat the following stages if you run into any problems. To do this, shutdown both virtual machines and issue the following commands.
# cd /u01/VM
# tar -cvf RAC-PostASM.tar RAC1 RAC2 shared
# gzip RAC-PostASM.tar
The database software installation and ASM creation step is now complete.

Create a Database using the DBCA

Start the RAC1 and RAC2 virtual machines, login to RAC1 as the oracle user and start the Database Configuration Assistant.
On the "Welcome" screen, select the "Oracle Real Application Clusters database" option and click the "Next" button.

DBCA Welcome

Select the "Create a Database" option and click the "Next" button.

DBCA Create Database

Highlight both RAC nodes and click the "Next" button.

DBCA Node Selection

Select the "Custom Database" option and click the "Next" button.

DBCA CustomDatabase

Enter the values "RAC.WORLD" and "RAC" for the Global Database Name and SID Prefix respectively, then click the "Next" button.

DBCA Database ID

Accept the management options by clicking the "Next" button. If you are attempting the installation on a server with limited memory, you may prefer not to configure Enterprise Manager at this time.

DBCA Management Options

Enter database passwords then click the "Next" button.

DBCA Database Credentials

Select the "Automatic Storage Management (ASM)" option, then click the "Next" button.


Select the "DATA" disk group, then click the "Next" button.

DBCA Disk Groups

Accept the "Use Oracle-Managed Files" database location by the "Next" button.

DBCA Database Location

Check both the "Specify Flash Recovery Area" and "Enable Archiving" options. Enter "+DATA" as the Flash Recovery Area, then click the "Next" button.

DBCA Recovery Config

Uncheck all but the "Enterprise Manager Repository" option, then click the "Standard Database Components..." button.

DBCA Database Content

Uncheck all but the "Oracle JVM" and "Oracle XML DB" options, then click the "OK" button, followed by the "Next" button on the previous screen. If you are attempting the installation on a server with limited memory, you may prefer not to install the JVM at this time.

DBCA Standard DB Components

Accept the default memory settings by clicking the "Next" button.

DBCA Parameters

Accept the default security settings by clicking the "Next" button.

DBCA Security Settings

Accept the default automatic maintenence task settings by clicking the "Next" button.

DBCA Automatic Maintenance Tasks

Accept the database storage settings by clicking the "Next" button.

DBCA Storage

Accept the database creation options by clicking the "Finish" button.

DBCA Creation Options

Accept the summary information by clicking the "OK" button.

DBCA Summary

Wait while the database is created.

DBCA Creation

Once the database creation is complete you are presented with the following screen. Make a note of the information on the screen and click the "Exit" button.

DBCA Complete

The RAC database creation is now complete.

TNS Configuration

Once the installation is complete, the "$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora" file on each RAC node will contain entries similar to the following.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac1-vip)(PORT = 1521)(IP = FIRST))
The "$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora" file on each RAC node will contain entries similar to the following.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))

RAC2 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))

RAC1 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))
This configuration allows direct connections to specific instance, or using a load balanced connection to the main service.
$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Oct 22 09:09:01 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options

SQL> CONN sys/password@rac1 AS SYSDBA
SQL> SELECT instance_name, host_name FROM v$instance;

---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
RAC1 rac1.localdomain

SQL> CONN sys/password@rac2 AS SYSDBA
SQL> SELECT instance_name, host_name FROM v$instance;

---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
RAC2 rac2.localdomain

SQL> CONN sys/password@rac AS SYSDBA
SQL> SELECT instance_name, host_name FROM v$instance;

---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
RAC1 rac1.localdomain


Check the Status of the RAC

There are several ways to check the status of the RAC. The srvctl utility shows the current configuration and status of the RAC database.
$ srvctl config database -d RAC
rac1 RAC1 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1
rac2 RAC2 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1

$ srvctl status database -d RAC
Instance RAC1 is running on node rac1
Instance RAC2 is running on node rac2
The V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES view can also display the current status of the instances.
$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Oct 22 09:09:01 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$active_instances;

----------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1 rac1.localdomain:RAC1
2 rac2.localdomain:RAC2

Finally, the GV$ allow you to display global information for the whole RAC.
SQL> SELECT inst_id, program, sid, serial# FROM gv$session;
SQL> /

---------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- ----------
1 oracle@rac1.localdomain (q002) 121 46
1 racgimon@rac1.localdomain (TNS V1-V3) 170 11
2 sqlplus@rac2.localdomain (TNS V1-V3) 120 51
2 oracle@rac2.localdomain (RSMN) 170 3

77 rows selected.

If you have configured Enterprise Manager, it can be used to view the configuration and current status of the database using a URL like "https://rac1.localdomain:1158/em".

Oracle Enterprise Manager

For more information see:
courtesy: http:oracle-base.com

You may refer the following link for above

Oracle Metalink Notes for Oracle Apps DBAs.

Oracle Metalink Notes for Oracle Apps DBAs.

Dear Friends,

The following are the list of Oracle Metalink Notes, which ORACLE Support suggests
for various issues on different versions

Note: You need to have an account in Oracle Metalink to access notes.

NOTE.166650.1 :Working Effectively With Oracle Support Services

NOTE.218089.1 : Autoconfig FAQ
NOTE.165195.1 : Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with
NOTE.270519.1 :Customizing an AutoConfig Environment

NOTE.181665.1 : Release 11i Adpatch Basics
NOTE.174436.1 : Oracle Applications Patching FAQ
NOTE.175485.1 : How to Apply an 11i Patch When adpatch is Already Running

NOTE.230672.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone
NOTE.216664.1 : FAQ: Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.135792.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.362473.1 : Cloning E-Business Suite Using Hot Backup for Minimal
NOTE.216212.1 : Business Continuity for Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.452056.1 : Business Continuity for Oracle Applications Release 12 on Database
Release 10gR2
NOTE.233428.1 : Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle
Note 243880.1 : Shared APPL_TOP FAQ

NOTE.74660.1 : Resolving Invalid Objects in Oracle Applications

NOTE.338879.1 : Landscape1309 - Linux Landscape Quick Reference
NOTE.341782.1 : Linux Quick Reference

NOTE.312572.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology Updates for Release 11.
NOTE.316806.1 : Oracle Applications Installation Update Notes, Release 11i
NOTE.370274.1 : New Features in Oracle Application 11i

NOTE.275734.1 : India Localization
NOTE.47837.1 : Applications Utilities FAQ
NOTE.189487.1 : System Administration FAQ's
NOTE.289786.1 : Installing Oracle Applications: A Guide to Using Rapid
NOTE.245079.1 : Steps to clone a 11i RAC environment to a non-RAC
NOTE.243693.1 : Rapid Clone Coredumps when Running Adcfgclone.pl
NOTE.231701.1 : How to Find Patching History (10.7, 11.0, 11i)
NOTE.139684.1 : Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -
NOTE.331746.1 : Oracle Accelerator FAQ for Global Product Support (Internal
NOTE.144751.1 : Applications Patching - Time Saving Techniques
NOTE.232833.1 : Oracle Applications Release Notes, Release 11i (11.5.9)
NOTE.110372.1 : 11i: How to Clean up the UNIX Environment After Install
NOTE.156219.1 : Net8i/9i Basic configuration of LISTENER.ORA and TNSNAMES.
NOTE.356878.1 : How to relink the whole Applications 11i Installation
NOTE.233428.1 : Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle
NOTE.130686.1 : How to Generate Form, Library and Menu for Oracle
NOTE.246105.1 : Upgrading to J2SE 1.4.2 with Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.133972.1 : How to Reset the APPS and APPLSYS Passwords in Release 11.5
NOTE.216980.1 : FNDLOAD Fails with PLS-306 in call to LOAD_ROW

NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide
NOTE.222663.1 : Internationalization Update Notes for the Oracle E-Business Suite 11i
NOTE.372952.1 : Customer Translations

NOTE.168330.1 : Reload Applications Related Java Objects
NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

NOTE.233436.1 : Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-
NOTE.231701.1 : How to Find Patching History (10.7, 11.0, 11i)

NOTE.139684.1 : Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -
NOTE.238276.1 : Migrating to Linux with Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.242480.1 : Using a Staged Applications 11i System to Reduce Patching
NOTE.1076329.6 : SQL*Plus Errors - SP1.MSB Not Found
NOTE.248857.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Model Release 11i -

NOTE.269293.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Model FAQs
NOTE.258330.1 : About Oracle Applications Manager Minipack 11i.OAM.H
NOTE.268837.1 : Gathering Debug Weboam Log

NOTE.342332.1 : Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.112577.1 : How to customize reports at runtime using XML - simple
NOTE.144689.1 : How to Generate a Report (.rdf) File from the UNIX Command
NOTE.211424.1 : How to Enable a Large SGA(over 1.7GB) on RedHat Advanced
NOTE.345145.1 : Is There A Way To Automate The Prompts For Adcfgclone.Pl?
NOTE.1812.1 : TECH : Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file
NOTE.144599.1 : How to Generate a .pll Library File for Applications 11i
NOTE.282038.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g
NOTE.208375.1 : How To Convert A Single Instance Database To RAC In A
NOTE.279956.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC :

NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC
NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

NOTE.1067473.6 : Custom Forms do not Show up in FNDSCMON Form
NOTE.232834.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack

NOTE.216550.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.
NOTE.362203.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2.0)

NOTE.233038.1 : AD Command Line Options

NOTE.186125.1 : Applications 11i and Standby Databases
NOTE.260887.1 : Steps to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses from
NOTE.342459.1 : Diagnostics Overview

NOTE.394615.1 : Adaddnode.Pl failed with : ORA-00001 : unique constraint

NOTE.338003.1 : How to change the hostname and/or port of the Database Tier
NOTE.341322.1 : How to change the hostname of an Applications Tier using AutoConfig

NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide
NOTE.211708.1 : Detailed Explanations of How NLS/MLS is Being Handled in 11i
NOTE.73352.1 : NLS/MLS Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE.72324.1 : Guidelines on Resolving NLS/MLS issues

NOTE.316365.1 : Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack
NOTE.230627.1 : 9i Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.331221.1 : 10g Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.362205.1 : 10g Release 2 Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.259552.1 : 11.5.9 Category 3 Preupgrade Instructions for

NOTE.341281.1 : How to disable the language selection option available in AppsLocalLogin.jsp

NOTE.389472.1 : OATM Migration fails with ORA-22853 for LOB objects

NOTE.174605.1 : bde_chk_cbo.sql - Reports Database Initialization

NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide
NOTE.124721.1 : Migrating an Applications Installation to a New Character
NOTE.66320.1 : Changing the Database Character Set or the Database
NOTE.119164.1 : Changing Database Character Set - Valid Superset Definitions
NOTE.123670.1 : Use Scanner Utility before Altering the Database Character
NOTE.213015.1 : SYS.METASTYLESHEET marked as having convertible data (ORA-
NOTE.258895.1 : SYS.RULE$ marked as having convertible data (ORA-12716 when
NOTE.258902.1 : SYS.JOB$ marked as having convertible data

NOTE.43208.1 : Certified Compilers
NOTE.270806.1 : 11.5.9 : Invalid Objects - IES Java Classes
NOTE.165114.1 : Resolving Invalid Java Classes in Oracle Applications
NOTE.343253.1 : Tns-12555, Tns-12560, Tns-00525, Linux Error : 1 Starting

NOTE.150168.1 : Obtaining Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) In Oracle
NOTE.210193.1 : Use of Multiple Organizations In Oracle Applications
NOTE.165035.1 : Current Issues - Multiple Organizations Architecture
NOTE.208267.1 : Improved Convert to Multi-Org Process In Oracle
NOTE.226456.1 : Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications R11i, March
NOTE.259546.1 : Setting Up Multiple Organizations in Oracle HRMS
NOTE.131081.1 : How can I find which version of Portal I am running ?

NOTE.262125.1 : Sun.io.MalformedInputException For OraSCV.asc,emreadme.txt,
NOTE.216205.1 : Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications

NOTE.213015.1 : SYS.METASTYLESHEET marked as having convertible data (ORA-

NOTE.283225.1 : How to Recreate the Listener for Event and Listener for

NOTE.153960.1 : FAQ : X Server testing and troubleshooting

NOTE.146468.1 : Installing and Upgrading Oracle9i Application Server with
NOTE.233428.1 : Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle
NOTE.351283.1 : Interoperability Notes : Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 - Installation Update Notes for
NOTE.317226.1 : Concurrent Managers Do Not Start With GSM Profile Option
NOTE.311015.1 : Adgendbc.sh Errors Running AutoConfig

NOTE.337937.1 : Step By Step - 10gR2 RAC with ASM install on Linux(x86) -

NOTE.266043.1 : Support of Linux and Oracle Products on Linux
NOTE.224302.1 : Raw Devices on Linux

NOTE.134395.1 : Cannot Connect to Personal Home Page : Your Session is no
NOTE.351646.1 : Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 10g

NOTE.230688.1 : Basic ApacheJServ Troubleshooting with IsItWorking.class

NOTE.273449.1 : Diagnosing Login Problems with Apps 11.5.9 (FND.G)
NOTE.139863.1 : Configuring and Troubleshooting the Self Service Framework

NOTE.342332.1 : Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i

NOTE.233428.1 : Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle
NOTE.252422.1 : Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches
NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

NOTE.68713.1 : Troubleshooting Self-Service Web Applications Login
NOTE.304489.1 : Using Oracle Applications with a Split Configuration

NOTE.225074.1 : 11i AOL : Cannot login to PHP after DB upgrade to
NOTE.358140.1 : Troubleshooting Unix coredumps and obtaining stack traces


NOTE.1812.1 :
NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64

NOTE.197031.1 : 32-bit/64-bit Certification/Conversion Issues on Oracle
NOTE.300172.1 : Obsolescence of KOREAN_LEXER Lexer Type
NOTE.225456.1 : Troubleshooting Guide for Cloning Issues
NOTE.161474.1 : Oracle Applications Remote Diagnostics Agent (APPS_RDA)
NOTE.111383.1 : The Basics About Report Review Agent (FNDFS) on 11i

NOTE.210062.1 : Generic Service Management (GSM) in Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.316447.1 : About Oracle XML Publisher Release 5.5
NOTE.295036.1 : About XML Publisher Release 5.0
NOTE.130091.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i to use JDK 1.3

NOTE.292424.1 : Cleaning your Windows System After a Failed Oracle
NOTE.124606.1 : Upgrading JInitiator with Oracle Applications 11i

NOTE.316806.1 : Oracle Applications Installation Update Notes, Release 11i
NOTE.177183.1 : Succesfully Installing NLS/MLS in 11i
NOTE.134007.1 : CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
NOTE.1010501.7 : FAQ : Licensing and de-licensing a product, country-specific

NOTE.217368.1 : Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise

NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

NOTE.302738.1 : Using Virtual Hostnames with Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.403311.1 : United States Time Zone Changes 2007 : E-Business Suite

NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide
NOTE.232313.1 : Information on Previous Versions of Developer 6i Patchsets
NOTE.240862.1 : Install Oracle Unicode Fonts for Dynamic Image Generation
NOTE.60966.1 : Getting Rid Of Those Pesky Invalid Objects In Oracle
NOTE.400830.1 : How to Render Non ASCII Characters in Personalized
NOTE.285218.1 : Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.403311.1 : United States & Canada 2007 Daylight Saving Time (DST)
NOTE.289788.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications
NOTE.316804.1 : Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes, Release 11i (11.5.10.
NOTE.189867.1 : Troubleshooting FRM-92050, FRM-92100, FRM-92101, FRM-92102

NOTE.253763.1 : After Cloning on Target instance FRM-92050 Failed to

NOTE.274783.1 :

Amol's Bookmark
NOTE.167000.1 : eBusiness Suite Support - Oracle Diagnostics Support Pack
NOTE.235307.1 : OSS Application Diagnostics Tools : FAQ and Troubleshooting
NOTE.231142.1 : About Oracle Diagnostics version 2.1
NOTE.262006.1 : About Oracle Diagnostics 2.2
NOTE.300976.1 : Support Diagnostics Newsletter for Applications Core
NOTE.357223.1 : "This test can be executed only after logging into
NOTE.363759.1 : How To Add Diagnostic Tools To Responsibility Menu


NOTE.215868.1 : 11i Release Notes
NOTE.77219.1 : Applications Release 11.0.3 One-Hour Install for Unix
NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 - Installation Update Notes for
NOTE.292424.1 : Cleaning your Windows System After a Failed Oracle
NOTE.110372.1 : 11i : How to Clean up the UNIX Environment After Install
NOTE.169402.1 : How To Cleanup After A Failed Applications Installation On
NOTE.48602.1 : How do I determine which products are fully installed, and
NOTE.124353.1 : WIN : Manually Removing all Oracle Components on Microsoft
NOTE.275493.1 : Removing 10g Database and Software from AIX, HP-UX, Linux,
NOTE.279519.1 : How to completely remove 8i / 9i Database and Software from
NOTE.232831.1. : Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes 11.5.9 - B10846-01
NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 - Installation Update Notes for
NOTE.187240.1 : Applications AOL Scenarios : Is It Supported ?
NOTE.287453.1 : Oracle Applications 11.5.10 - Installation Update Notes for
NOTE.316806.1 : Oracle Applications Installation Update Notes, Rel
NOTE.360079.1 : Global and Local Inventory explained
NOTE.295185.1 : How to Recreate the Global oraInventory
NOTE.197028.1 : Software Requirements and Tools for Oracle Applications
NOTE.201392.1 : Visual C++ Requirement for Release 11i on Windows
NOTE.268776.1 : GNU Make Requirement for Release 11i For Windows
NOTE.181244.1 : Configuring VNC Or XVFB As The X Server For Applications 11i
NOTE.153960.1 : FAQ : X Server testing and troubleshooting


NOTE.174436.1 : Oracle Applications Patching FAQ
NOTE.175485.1 : How to Apply an 11i Patch When adpatch is Already Running
NOTE.231701.1 : How to Find Patching History (10.7, 11.0, 11i)
NOTE.252422.1 : Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches in Release
NOTE.316366.1 : 11.5.10 Oracle E-Business Suite Consolidated Update 2 (CU2)
NOTE.259484.1 : Release 11.5.10 Maintenance Pack Installation Instructions
NOTE.316365.1 : Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack
NOTE.139684.1 : Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility -
NOTE.181665.1 : Release 11i Adpatch Basics
NOTE.358247.1 : ORA-00001 : unique constraint violated error while applying
NOTE.358417.1 : Unable to Start Concurrent Managers After Applying 11i.
NOTE.353414.1 : Application Technology Group (ATG) Patching Policy
NOTE.359198.1 : XDF files fail to load on HP-UX, Memory Fault(Coredump)
NOTE.232834.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack
NOTE.337274.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 3
NOTE.244040.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Recommended Performance Patches
NOTE.367756.1 : Uploading Java Objects To Patch History Tables Fails While
NOTE.76708.1 : Using ADSPLICE To Add Products To The APPL_TOP In


NOTE.230672.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone
NOTE.216664.1 : FAQ : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.242123.1 : Create new middle tier node in existing Apps 11i
NOTE.238276.1 : Migrating to Linux with Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.364565.1 : Troubleshoot RapidClone or OAM Clone issues

NOTE.200963.1 : R11.5.3/R11.5.4/R11.5.5 Upgrade And Install Issues
NOTE.289765.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i (11.5.10) Upgrade Assistant
NOTE.289788.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications

NOTE.165195.1 : Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with
NOTE.218089.1 : Autoconfig FAQ
NOTE.270519.1 : Customizing an AutoConfig Environment
NOTE.260887.1 : Steps to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses from
NOTE.341322.1 : How to change the hostname of an Applications Tier using
NOTE.338003.1 : How to change the hostname and/or port of the Database Tier
NOTE.108865.1 : How To Create a Database Connection(DBC) File and

AD Utilities
NOTE.233038.1 : AD Command Line Options


NOTE.69798.1 : Basics of Relinking an Executable or Binary in an Oracle
NOTE.1009722.6 : How to relink Oracle Concurrent Program Executables on Unix


NOTE.210062.1 : Generic Service Management (GSM) in Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.117264.1 : FAQ (Oracle Applications Manager)
NOTE.177089.1 : OAM11i Standalone Mode Setup and Configuration
NOTE.214962.1 : How To Determine The Version Of OAM (Oracle Application
NOTE.258330.1 : About Oracle Applications Manager Minipack 11i.OAM.H
NOTE.166115.1 : Oracle Applications Manager 11i integrated with Oracle
NOTE.185431.1 : Troubleshooting Oracle Applications Manager OAM 2.0 for 11i
NOTE.73959.1 : Installation and Configuration of Oracle Application Manager
NOTE.225024.1 : Oracle Applications Manager 11i Documentation Roadmap
NOTE.338317.1 : Basic Information on Cloning An 11.5.10 System Using OAM


NOTE.227332.1 : NLS considerations in Import/Export - Frequently Asked
NOTE.15095.1 : Export/Import and NLS Considerations
NOTE.175300.1 : A Guide to Debugging Globalization (NLS) Support Issues
NOTE.124721.1 : Migrating an Applications Installation to a New Character


NOTE.130686.1 : How to Generate Form, Library and Menu for Oracle
NOTE.177610.1 : Oracle Forms in Applications FAQ
NOTE.141012.1 : How to Manually Generate an 11.5 Form on Unix

Apps Database

NOTE.174605.1 : bde_chk_cbo.sql - Reports Database Initialization
NOTE.186125.1 : Applications 11i and Standby Databases
NOTE.248857.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Model Release 11i -
NOTE.216205.1 : Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications
NOTE.285267.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and Database FAQ
NOTE.230627.1 : 9i Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications Release 11i
NOTE.183078.1 : Recreating Applications 11i JAVA objects in the database
NOTE.216212.1 : Business Continuity for Oracle Applications Release 11i,
NOTE.282038.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g
NOTE.340859.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i Database to 10g with
NOTE.174605.1 : bde_chk_cbo.sql - Reports Database Initialization
NOTE.216211.1. : Nologging in the E-Business Suite

NOTE.282038.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g

RAC / Apps RAC

NOTE.220970.1 : RAC : Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC
NOTE.270901.1 : How to Dynamically Add a New Node to an Existing 9.2.0 RAC
NOTE.294652.1 : E-Business Suite 11i on RAC : Configuring Database Load balancing & Failover
NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC
NOTE.279956.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC :
NOTE.277825.1 : How to setup Tnsnames.ora (806) for 11i and RAC


NOTE.1012933.6 : General Information : Alert Logs and Trace Files
NOTE.209870.1 : How to Reload the JVM in 9.2.0.X
NOTE.175472.1 : How to Reload the JVM in 8.1.7.X
NOTE.159143.1 : Separating Multiple 8i or 9i Oracle Versions to Avoid
NOTE.307349.1 : OUI tips for Oracle RDBMS 10.1.X on OpenVMS
NOTE.130814.1 : How to move LOB Data to Another Tablespace

System Administration

NOTE.189457.1 : Oracle Applications Systems Administration Setup and Usage
NOTE.290525.1 : Oracle User Management FAQ
NOTE.316277.1 : Unable To Change Guest User Password In Oracle Applications
NOTE.311552.1 : How to optimize the purge process in a high transaction
NOTE.154850.1 : How to Run the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data


NOTE.295484.1 : Clear Server Cache and Bounce Apache (Web Server)
NOTE.220188.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i apps.zip Re-architect
NOTE.230688.1 : Basic ApacheJServ Troubleshooting with IsItWorking.class

Invalid Objects

NOTE.60558.1 : Troubleshooting the Source of Invalid Objects
NOTE.266910.1 : How To Resolve IES Invalid Java Classes After Loading JAR
NOTE.113947.1 : Step by Step Troubleshooting Guide to Solve APPS Invalid

NOTE.1812.1 : TECH : Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file
NOTE.28588.1 : TECH : Using Truss / Trace on Unix

Advanced Configuration
NOTE.217368.1 : Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise
NOTE.226880.1 : Configuration of Load Balancing and Transparent Application
NOTE.97926.1 : Failover Issues and Limitations [Connect-time failover and
NOTE.123718.1 : 11i : A Guide to Understanding and Implementing SSL for

NOTE.162488.1 : Complete Guide to JInitiator 1.1.8 Setup & Troubleshooting
NOTE.312572.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology Updates for Release 11.
NOTE.246105.1 : Upgrading to J2SE 1.4.2 with Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.94091.1 : Example : Identifying Connection String Problems in JDBC

NOTE.298550.1 : Troubleshooting Workflow Data Growth Issues

NOTE.184977.1 : Certify FAQ, Product Navigation & User's Guide
NOTE.224882.1 : Common Commands asked by Oracle Support for Troubleshooting
NOTE.110415.1 : Payables MRC Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE.285218.1 : Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.257650.1 : Resolving Problems with Connection Idle Timeout
NOTE.270523.1 : How To Find the Oracle Applications Framework and Rollup
NOTE.301504.1 : "Cannot Complete Applications Logon" Error After Selecting
NOTE.315094.1 : JTF Login Page - an operational assessment for CRM

NOTE.242490.1 :
NOTE.282038.1 :
NOTE.342861.1 :
NOTE.209999.1 :
REMARK.56942.1 :
NOTE.198160.1 :
NOTE.159244.1 :

NOTE.186981.1 : Oracle Application Server with Oracle E-Business Suite
NOTE.333436.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite 11i on Windows Server 2003 Service
NOTE.356878.1 : How to relink the whole Applications 11i Installation
NOTE.197031.1 : 32-bit/64-bit Certification/Conversion Issues on Oracle
NOTE.158577.1 : NLS_LANG Explained (How does Client-Server Character
NOTE.227331.1 : Setting NLS Parameters - Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE.124721.1 : Migrating an Applications Installation to a New Character
NOTE.43208.1 : Certified Compilers

NOTE.66320.1 : Changing the Database Character Set or the Database
NOTE.279956.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC :

NOTE.260393.1 : Java Mailer and Other 11.5.9/OWF G Current Issues in

NOTE.232313.1 : Information on Previous Versions of Developer 6i Patchsets

NOTE.125767.1 : Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i

NOTE.371438.1 : adpreclone.pl dbTier fails with RC-50409 : Topology
NOTE.342332.1 :
NOTE.135949.1 : Troubleshooting the Personal Home Page Login Problems in 11.
NOTE.164317.1 : Upgrading JDBC drivers with Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.302035.1 : How to Test a JDBC Thin Driver Connection From the SSO
NOTE.365735.1 : How to use Digital Certificates for 11i Applications
NOTE.357922.1 : Autoconfig Reverts to old Context File Values.

NOTE.206511.1 : How to Find a JAR File Which Contains a Particular JAVA

NOTE.68839.1 : 8i Using loadjava and dropjava to Load and Unload Java

NOTE.165123.1 : JAVA CLASS - ORA-29534 : referenced object
NOTE.165114.1 : Resolving Invalid Java Classes in Oracle Applications

NOTE.271218.1 : Yellow bar's and Java security error , The daddy of all

NOTE.294932.1 : Recommendations to Install Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64
NOTE.342442.1 : Cloning Multi-Node to Single-Node Oracle Applications

NOTE.233428.1 :
NOTE.302738.1 : Using Virtual Hostnames with Oracle Applications Release 11i

NOTE.356433.1 : Using Oracle Applications Release 11i with Virtual

NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

NOTE.159270.1 : How To Use FNDCPASS to Change The Oracle Users, APPS,

NOTE.303237.1 : Migrating Red Hat Linux 2.1 or 3.0 to Red Hat Linux 4.0
NOTE.91985.1 :
NOTE.200963.1 : R11.5.3/R11.5.4/R11.5.5 Upgrade And Install Issues
NOTE.272789.1 : Post Clone Problem : Login/Portal Server Installation May
NOTE.339664.1 : Analyst Crib Sheet for NLS/MLS issues in Oracle

NOTE.211708.1 : Detailed Explanations of How NLS/MLS is Being Handled in 11i
NOTE.245079.1 : Steps to clone a 11i RAC environment to a non-RAC
NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

NOTE.362135.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC

NOTE.312731.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g RAC
NOTE.131321.1 : How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
NOTE.231876.1 : Windows OS Upgrade for 11i E-Business Suite

NOTE.184977.1 : Certify FAQ, Product Navigation & User's Guide

NOTE.209810.1 : How to Relink Oracle Applications 11i Programs After

NOTE.361428.1 : Using Linux Desktop Clients with Oracle Applications 11i

NOTE.296559.1 :
NOTE.275734.1 : India Localization
NOTE.364439.1 : Tips and Queries for Troubleshooting Advanced Topologies

NOTE.372928.1 : Oracle Critical Patch Update July 2006 Documentation Map
NOTE.372931.1 : E-Business Suite Critical Patch Update Note
NOTE.268837.1 : Gathering Debug Weboam Log
NOTE.292996.1 : How to Re-Install Intermedia on an 11i Environment

NOTE.160121.1 : Introduction to Sun Cluster v3
NOTE.188135.1 : Documentation Index for Real Application Clusters

NOTE.251351.1 : How to Change the Characterset in a Standby Database in 9i
NOTE.362203.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 10g Release 2
NOTE.362205.1 : 10g Release 2 Export/Import Process for Oracle Applications


NOTE.316889.1 : Complete checklist for manual upgrades to 10gR2

NOTE.223721.1 : How to Install XVFB on Linux for dynamic image generartion
NOTE.130091.1 : Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i to use JDK 1.3
NOTE : 163400.1 : Release Content Documents and Features Summary Matrices

NOTE.253918.1 : Autopatch Fails with "Unable to call adppdepRunFndLoad

NOTE.166650.1 : Working Effectively With Oracle Support Services
NOTE.333785.1 : Oracle Applications Internationalization Guide

NOTE.119164.1 : Changing Database Character Set - Valid Superset Definitions

NOTE.17210.1 : Supported NLS Character Sets

NOTE.179133.1 : The correct NLS_LANG in a Windows Environment

NOTE.226565.1 : 9iRAC Useful Views and Statistics (INTERNAL ONLY)

NOTE.387046.1 : RCONFIG : Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE.200340.1 : RAC : Cache Fusion

NOTE.265253.1 : 10g Recyclebin Features And How To Disable it( _recyclebin )
NOTE.312594.1 : Get Warning Messages Trying To Generate Jar Files From
NOTE.242480.1 : Using a Staged Applications 11i System to Reduce Patching
NOTE.134007.1 : CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent
NOTE.365228.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 4
NOTE.371016.1 : How To License A New Product.

NOTE.151654.1 : How To Start the License Manager After Installing Oracle

NOTE.279430.1 : How To Change Project Installation From Shared To Full

NOTE.123891.1 :
NOTE.123891.1 : How to deactivate a language in e-Business Suite
NOTE.216550.1 : Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.
NOTE.341437.1 : Business Continuity for Oracle Applications Release 11i

NOTE.246105.1 : Upgrading to J2SE 1.4.2 with Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.304748.1 : Internal : E-Business Suite 11i with Database FAQ
NOTE.308320.1 : How to install the 10.1.0 Enterprise Manager Grid Control

NOTE.291901.1 : Maintenance Mode - A New Feature in 11.5.10
NOTE.134527.1 : TNS-00516 Starting TNS Listener

NOTE.300482.1 : Overview of Using Java with Oracle E-Business Suite Release
NOTE.208256.1 : WIN : How to Remove a Single ORACLE_HOME and Its Traces on
NOTE.363827.1 : Rebaselined Oracle Applications Technology Components for
NOTE.373611.1 : How to move Concurrent Processing Server from one node to

NOTE.240818.1. :
NOTE.69660.1 : Understanding Data Auditing in Oracle Application Tables

NOTE.60828.1 : Overview of Oracle Applications AuditTrails
NOTE.134949.1 : Release 11.0.3 and Oracle 8i Release 8.1.6 Interoperability
NOTE.342332.1 : Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i

NOTE.189256.1 : UNIX : Script to Verify Installation Requirements for Oracle
NOTE.296559.1 : FAQ : Common Tracing Techniques within the Oracle
NOTE.177183.1 : Succesfully Installing NLS/MLS in 11i
NOTE.73352.1 : NLS/MLS Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE.399789.1 : NLS Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE.339664.1 : Analyst Crib Sheet for NLS/MLS issues in Oracle
NOTE.227331.1 : Setting NLS Parameters - Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE.110849.1 : Installing and Relinking Oracle Developer on UNIX Platforms

NOTE.76535.1 :
NOTE.316804.1 : Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes, Release 11i (11.5.10.
NOTE.287176.1 : DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

NOTE.310840.1 : AFPCAL Received Failure Code While Parsing or Running
NOTE.371434.1 : Using Openfiler iSCSI with an Oracle database

NOTE.233040.1 : When Oracle Applications Automatic Patch Prerequisite
NOTE.236469.1 : Using Distributed AD in Applications Release 11.5.
NOTE.233043.1 : 11.5.9 Oracle E-Business Suite Consolidated Update 2
NOTE.108185.1 : Oracle Applications Object Library SQL scripts
NOTE.201662.1 : How To Manually Relink on Windows NT or Windows 2000

NOTE.306906.1 : How to create missing DB objects from xdf files

NOTE.396708.1 : Guidelines to Determine whether a Bug or SR is a LinuxOS

NOTE.166762.1 : Oracle Applications Manager 11i Availability
NOTE.60966.1 : Getting Rid Of Those Pesky Invalid Objects In Oracle
NOTE.216589.1 : Step By Step Guide to Creating a Custom Application in
NOTE.105127.1 : FAQ (Customization)
NOTE.243880.1 : Shared APPL_TOP FAQ
NOTE.409045.1 : How to clone from Rac to Non-rac in Oracle Applications 11i.

NOTE.373611.1 : How to move Concurrent Processing Server from one node to

NOTE.342442.1 : Cloning Multi-Node to Single-Node Oracle Applications

NOTE.261428.1 : Setting up 11i E-Business suite using a hardware load

NOTE.224875.1 : Installation, Patching & Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE.278816.1 : How to Setup Parallel Concurrent Processing using Shared

NOTE.286506.1 : Sharing Middle-tier Oracle Home in E-Business Suite 11i

NOTE.105133.1 : Concurrent Manager Questions and Answers Relating to
NOTE.69336.1 : Basic information about Concurrent Managers
NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64
NOTE.345145.1 : Is There A Way To Automate The Prompts For Adcfgclone.Pl?

NOTE.416338.1 : How To Upgrade JDK / J2SE 1.4 Sub-Versions
NOTE.225165.1 : Patching Best Practices and Reducing Downtime
NOTE.368628.1 : Is The 'Personal Home Page' Mode Supported In Oracle 11i Applications?

NOTE.387859.1 : Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle
NOTE.402306.1 : Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release
NOTE.160214.1 : How to change the oracle users, APPS, APPLSYS and

NOTE.159244.1 : How To Use FNDCPASS to Change The Oracle Users, APPS,
NOTE.335515.1 : Relink fails for Oracle on LINUX x86 server on

NOTE.372800.1 : How to Implement an SSL CA Root Certificate in JInitiator

NOTE.402312.1 : Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release

NOTE.394692.1 : Oracle Applications Documentation Resources, Release 12

NOTE.603104.1 : Troubleshooting RapidClone issues with Oracle Applications R12
NOTE.384248.1 : Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

NOTE.388577.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 12 with 10g R2 RAC
NOTE.559518.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone on RAC Enabled Systems

NOTE.393861.1 : Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12
NOTE.372800.1 : How to Implement an SSL CA Root Certificate in JInitiator
NOTE.184876.1 : Oracle Application Object Library Middle (Web) Tier Setup
NOTE.403385.1 : Duplicate Responsibilities Created On Sysadmin Login And

NOTE.380483.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Additional Configuration
NOTE.148903.1 : Interoperability Notes Oracle Applications Release 11i with
NOTE.364704.1 : A Guide to Configure, Maintain & Troubleshoot JDBC Buffers

NOTE.148902.1 : Interoperability Notes Oracle Applications Release 11.0
NOTE.337762.1 : How to Remove an Oracle Applications 11i node

NOTE.399362.1 : Oracle Applications Release 12 Upgrade Sizing and Best
NOTE.104457.1 : Invalid Objects In Oracle Applications FAQs
NOTE.132604.1 : Upgrading OJSP with Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.215268.1 : Implementing and Using the JSP Precompiler

NOTE.316900.1 : ALERT : Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2) Support Status and Alerts

NOTE.189908.1 : ALERT : Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) Support Status and Alerts
NOTE.380490.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Configuration in a DMZ

NOTE.269291.1 : Oracle Applications Tablespace Migration Utility User
NOTE.206511.1 : How to Find a JAR File Which Contains a Particular JAVA
NOTE.406982.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone
NOTE.262125.1 : Sun.io.MalformedInputException For OraSCV.asc,emreadme.txt,
NOTE.419839.1 : How to enable Apache, OC4J and OPMN logging in Oracle
NOTE.422419.1 : How To Enable and Collect Debug for HTTP, OC4J and OPMN in

NOTE.15390.1 : How to Determine and Change DB_NAME or ORACLE_SID
NOTE.375682.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology ATG_PF.H Rollup 5

NOTE.135715.1. : Diagnostic Steps for Intermittent FRM-99999 & FRM-92100
NOTE.185489.1 : Setting Up Parallel Concurrent Processing On Unix Server
NOTE.431496.1 : Java In The Database For Oracle Applications : Introduction
NOTE.183408.1 : Raw Devices and Cluster Filesystems With Real Application
NOTE.277366.1 : Technology Validation Utility for Oracle Applications
NOTE.394448.1 : Getting Started with the Application Management Pack for
NOTE.412044.1 : Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite
NOTE.375113.1 : Oracle Diagnostics 2.4
NOTE.405425.1 : Oracle Diagnostics 2.5

NOTE.201340.1 : Using Forms Listener Servlet with Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.160337.1 : How To Manually Change The APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB
NOTE.372322.1 : HP Tru64 UNIX Migration Strategy for Oracle E-Business

NOTE.303709.1 : Reclaiming unused space in APPLSYSD tablespace

NOTE.130183.1 : How to Get Log Files from Various Programs for Oracle
NOTE.269129.1 : How to Implement Printing for Oracle Applications : Getting

NOTE.297522.1 :
NOTE.215527.1 : Maintenance Wizard Overview
NOTE.452120.1 : How to locate the log files and troubleshoot RapidWiz for
NOTE.312640.1 : Oracle Text : Re-installation of Applications 11i (11.5.10)

*** iSetup ***
NOTE.402785.1 : iSetup dependency with Deinstall and Reinstall of XMLDB
NOTE.368670.1 : About Oracle iSetup Minipack 11i.AZ.H
NOTE.243554.1 : How to Deinstall and Reinstall XML Database (XDB)

NOTE.244523.1 : Security Alert #57 : Buffer Overflows in EXTPROC of Oracle
NOTE.433435.1 : Japanese characters are displayed like square boxes in
NOTE.455366.1 : Investigating NoClassDefFoundError in eBusiness 11i when
NOTE.197409.1 : Error Opening Oracle*Terminal File fmrweb.res
NOTE.312553.1 : How To Use the Original Forms for Reprint Instead of the
NOTE.438086.1 : Platform Migration with Oracle Applications Release 12

NOTE.458452.1 : Complying with Daylight Saving Time (DST) and Time Zone
NOTE.189367.1 : Best Practices for Securing the E-Business Suite
NOTE.300969.1 : Troubleshooting SSL with Oracle Applications 11i
NOTE.444524.1 : About Oracle Applications Technology ATG_PF.H Rollup 6
NOTE.265253.1 : 10g Recyclebin Features And How To Disable it( _recyclebin )
NOTE.428262.1 : How to identify the form name attached to an f60webmx

NOTE.68839.1 : 8i Using loadjava and dropjava to Load and Unload Java
NOTE.405521.1 : Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Release Notes for
NOTE.187905.1 : bde_imt_index_status.sql - List all interMedia Text indexes
NOTE.388577.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 12 with 10g R2 RAC

NOTE.345106.1 : Login Links On New Rapid Install Homepage Do Not Function
NOTE.443521.1 : Enterprise Manager Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle Applications, Version 1.0/1.2

NOTE.398412.1 : Workflow Queues Creation Scripts
NOTE.77483.1 : External Support FTP site : Information Sheet

NOTE.122452.1 : Global Customer Services Policy Regarding Customizations
NOTE.257911.1 : How To Use Rotatelogs In 9iAS Release 1 (1.0.2.x)
NOTE.276845.1 : Apache Web Server Hangs Every Other Time Running Adapcctl.
NOTE.218893.1 : How to Create The Service Manager 'FNDSM' on Oracle
NOTE.437878.1 : Upgrading Forms and Reports 10g in Oracle Applications
NOTE.290807.1 : Upgrading Sun JRE with Oracle Applications 11i

NOTE.280167.1 : AS10g with Apps 11i - Summary of Login process

NOTE.357218.1 : Troubleshooting JDeveloper setup for Oracle Applications
NOTE.403339.1 : Oracle 10gR2 Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite Release 12 Upgrade

NOTE.463249.1 : After Clone Forms Is Trying To Connect To Target Instance
NOTE.386374.1 : How to enable/disable/change password of the listeners for Oracle Applications 11i

NOTE.454750.1 : Oracle Apps Release 12 with Oracle Database 10.2.0 interoperability notes

NOTE.428503.1 : Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Oracle Database Vault

NOTE.443761.1 : How to check if a certain Patch was applied to Oracle Applications instance using 'adpatch'?

NOTE.291783.1 : Getting Started with the Oracle Grid Control Plug-in for Oracle Applications in Release 11i (AMP v1)

NOTE.468980.1 : How to Remove the Language Icons in the AppsLocalLogin.jsp

NOTE.398619.1 : Clone Oracle Applications 11i using Oracle Application Manager (OAM Clone)

NOTE.295606.1 : Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Troubleshooting

NOTE.169706.1 : Oracle® Database on AIX®,HP-UX®,Linux®,Mac OS® X,
Solaris®,Tru64 Unix® Operating Systems Installation and
Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.1)

NOTE.109665.1 : Organization Setup Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
NOTE.434395.1 : ATG Service Request Creation
NOTE.438086.1 : Platform Migration with Oracle Applications Release 12
NOTE.469213.1 : How To Encrypt The Apps Password In Wdbsvr.App
NOTE.293369.1 : OPatch documentation list
NOTE.275379.1 : Script To Check What Workflow Related Patches Are Installed
NOTE.388577.1 : Configuring Oracle Applications Release 12 with 10g R2 RAC

NOTE.264157.1 : The correct NLS_LANG setting in Unix Environments
NOTE.91985.1 : Step by Step on Cloning the ORACLE_HOME (Including DB) and
NOTE.74838.1 : Migrating Apps Release 11.0 from UNIX Host To A Second

NOTE.396009.1 : Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 12

NOTE.391406.1 : How to get a clean Autoconfig Environment
NOTE.560719.1 : How to troubleshoot iSetup issues
NOTE.406376.1 : Oracle E-Business Tax Release 12 Known Issues
NOTE.577713.1 : On Windows, After 10g Upgrade, Running Autoconfig on Apps
NOTE.343917.1 : Frequently Asked Questions : Oracle E-Business Suite Support
NOTE.553831.1 : java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Error when

NOTE.119319.1 : How to Replace Oracle Logo with Company Logo on Applications 11i Sign-On Screen

NOTE.554336.1 : How Do You Manually Generate A Form In Release 12 (frmcmp)

NOTE.444286.1 : How to manually generate a R12 report on Unix
NOTE.356433.1 : Using Oracle Applications Release 11i with Virtual Hostnames and Business Continuity

NOTE.555081.1 : Concurrent Manager Does Not Start if the Profile Option "Concurrent : GSM Enabled" is Set "Y" at Site Level

NOTE.149124.1 : Creating a StatsPack performance report
NOTE.471566.1 : Migrating Oracle E-Business Suite R12 from Linux 32-bit to Linux 64-bit

NOTE.397757.1 : How to Speed Up Index Creation on FND_LOBS by indexing Only FND_HELP Data

NOTE.375127.1 : How to restart the adworker having status fixed,restart,wait
NOTE.353150.1 : OPatch Failing Validation Phase When Archiving Really Did Not Fail

NOTE.215527.1 : Maintenance Wizard Overview
NOTE.564465.1 : Sysadmin And User Responsibility Not Available
NOTE.219968.1 : SQL*Net, Net8, Oracle Net Services - Tracing and Logging at a Glance

NOTE.417122.1 : Resolving the Library Cache Locks
NOTE.419475.1 : Removing Credentials from a Cloned EBS Production Database

Oracle Applications 11i/12 Online Documentation


Note: There are many other notes on various issues available in Oracle Metalink
For any specific issue, you shall always contact ORACLE SUPPORT for complete assistance.

Archiver Tracing

The init.ora parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE can be used to find problems with the archiver process. I recently used this to sort out some archiving issues with a standby database. The parameter is dynamically changable using ALTER SYSTEM.

The following values can be used. To get a combination of the required states add the numbers.
* 0 : Disables Tracing
* 1 : Records archiving of redo log files
* 2 : Records status of archiving for each destination
* 4 : Traces archival operation
* 8 : Tracks activity at the archive log destination
* 16 : Tracks in detail activity at archive log destination
* 32 : Records archive log destination parameter changes
* 64 : Tracks ARCn process state
* 128: Traces FAL server activity
* 512: Traces asynchronous log writer activity
*1024: Traces RFS client
*2048: Traces RFS/ARCn heartbeats

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Oracle Certified Master Profiles

The Oracle OCM credential is the most advanced Database Administrator certification. This credential is for senior database professionals with both classroom and on-the-job experience. Candidates must first obtain the OCA and OCP credentials. In addition, they must complete two advanced hands-on courses and pass the two-day practicum exam.

Solaris 10 (x86-32) Installation

Refer following link for step by step installation


RMAN Backup and Recovery Scenarios

RMAN Backup and Recovery Scenarios

=> Complete Closed Database Recovery. System tablespace is missing
If the system tablespace is missing or corrupted the database cannot be started up so a complete closed database recovery must be performed.
Pre requisites: A closed or open database backup and archived logs.
1. Use OS commands to restore the missing or corrupted system datafile to its original location, ie:
cp -p /user/backup/uman/system01.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/system01.dbf
2. startup mount;
3. recover datafile 1;
4. alter database open;

=> Complete Open Database Recovery. Non system tablespace is missing
If a non system tablespace is missing or corrupted while the database is open, recovery can be performed while the database remain open.
Pre requisites: A closed or open database backup and archived logs.
1. Use OS commands to restore the missing or corrupted datafile to its original location, ie:
cp -p /user/backup/uman/user01.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/user01.dbf
2. alter tablespace offline immediate;
3. recover tablespace ;
4. alter tablespace online;

=> Complete Open Database Recovery (when the database is initially closed).Non system tablespace is missing
If a non system tablespace is missing or corrupted and the database crashed,recovery can be performed after the database is open.
Pre requisites: A closed or open database backup and archived logs.
1. startup; (you will get ora-1157 ora-1110 and the name of the missing datafile, the database will remain mounted)
2. Use OS commands to restore the missing or corrupted datafile to its original location, ie:
cp -p /user/backup/uman/user01.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/user01.dbf
3. alter database datafile3 offline; (tablespace cannot be used because the database is not open)
4. alter database open;
5. recover datafile 3;
6. alter tablespace online;

=> Recovery of a Missing Datafile that has no backups (database is open).
If a non system datafile that was not backed up since the last backup is missing,recovery can be performed if all archived logs since the creation of the missing datafile exist.
Pre requisites: All relevant archived logs.
1. alter tablespace offline immediate;
2. alter database create datafile ‘/user/oradata/u01/dbtst/newdata01.dbf’;
3. recover tablespace ;
4. alter tablespace online;
If the create datafile command needs to be executed to place the datafile on a location different than the original use:
alter database create datafile ‘/user/oradata/u01/dbtst/newdata01.dbf’ as ‘/user/oradata/u02/dbtst/newdata01.dbf’

=> Restore and Recovery of a Datafile to a different location.
If a non system datafile is missing and its original location not available, restore can be made to a different location and recovery performed.
Pre requisites: All relevant archived logs.

1.Use OS commands to restore the missing or corrupted datafile to the new
location, ie:
cp -p /user/backup/uman/user01.dbf /user/oradata/u02/dbtst/user01.dbf
2. alter tablespace offline immediate;
3. alter tablespace rename datafile ‘/user/oradata/u01/dbtst/user01.dbf’ to ‘/user/oradata/u02/dbtst/user01.dbf’;
4. recover tablespace ;
5. alter tablespace online;

=>Control File Recovery
Always multiplex your controlfiles. Controlfiles are missing, database crash.
Pre requisites: A backup of your controlfile and all relevant archived logs.
1. startup; (you get ora-205, missing controlfile, instance start but database is not mounted)
2. Use OS commands to restore the missing controlfile to its original location:
cp -p /user/backup/uman/control01.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/control01.dbf
cp -p /user/backup/uman/control02.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/control02.dbf
3. alter database mount;
4. recover automatic database using backup controlfile;
5. alter database open resetlogs;
6. make a new complete backup, as the database is open in a new incarnation and previous archived log are not relevant.

=>Incomplete Recovery, Until Time/Sequence/Cancel
Incomplete recovery may be necessaire when an archived log is missing, so recovery can only be made until the previous sequence, or when an important object was dropped, and recovery needs to be made until before the object was dropped.
Pre requisites: A closed or open database backup and archived logs, the time or sequence that the ‘until’ recovery needs to be performed.
1. If the database is open, shutdown abort
2. Use OS commands to restore all datafiles to its original locations:
cp -p /user/backup/uman/u01/*.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/
cp -p /user/backup/uman/u02/*.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/
cp -p /user/backup/uman/u03/*.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/
cp -p /user/backup/uman/u04/*.dbf /user/oradata/u01/dbtst/
3. startup mount;
4. recover automatic database until time ‘2004-03-31:14:40:45′;
5. alter database open resetlogs;
6. make a new complete backup, as the database is open in a new incarnation and previous archived log are not relevant.Alternatively you may use instead of until time, until sequence or until cancel:
recover automatic database until sequence 120 thread 1; OR
recover database until cancel;

=>Rman Recovery Scenarios
Rman recovery scenarios require that the database is in archive log mode, and that backups of datafiles, control files and archived redolog files are made using Rman. Incremental Rman backups may be used also.
Rman can be used with the repository installed on the archivelog, or with a recovery catalog that may be installed in the same or other database.
Configuration and operation recommendations:
Set the parameter controlfile autobackup to ON to have with each backup a
controlfile backup also:
configure controlfile autobackup on;
set the parameter retention policy to the recovery window you want to have,
ie redundancy 2 will keep the last two backups available, after executing delete obsolete commands:
configure retention policy to redundancy 2;
Execute your full backups with the option ‘plus archivelogs’ to include your archivelogs with every backup:
backup database plus archivelog;
Perform daily maintenance routines to maintain on your backup directory the number of backups you need only:
crosscheck backup;
crosscheck archivelog all;
delete noprompt obsolete backup;
To work with Rman and a database based catalog follow these steps:
1. sqlplus /
2. create tablespace repcat;
3. create user rcuser identified by rcuser default tablespace repcat temporary tablespace temp;
4. grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to rcuser
5. exit
6. rman catalog rcuser/rcuser # connect to rman catalog as the rcuser
7. create catalog # create the catalog
8. connect target / #

=>Complete Closed Database Recovery. System tablespace is missing
In this case complete recovery is performed, only the system tablespace is missing,so the database can be opened without reseting the redologs.
1. rman target /
2. startup mount;
3. restore database;
4. recover database;
5. alter database open;

=>Complete Open Database Recovery. Non system tablespace is
missing,database is up
1. rman target /
2. sql ‘alter tablespace offline immediate’;
3. restore datafile 3;
4. recover datafile 3;
5. sql ‘alter tablespace online’;

=> Complete Open Database Recovery (when the database is initially
closed).Non system tablespace is missing
A user datafile is reported missing when tryin to startup the database. The datafile can be turned offline and the database started up. Restore and recovery are performed using Rman. After recovery is performed the datafile can be turned online again.
1. sqlplus /nolog
2. connect / as sysdba
3. startup mount
4. alter database datafile ‘’ offline;
5. alter database open;
6. exit;
7. rman target /
8. restore datafile ‘’;
9. recover datafile ‘’;
10. sql ‘alter tablespace online’;

=> Recovery of a Datafile that has no backups (database is up).
If a non system datafile that was not backed up since the last backup is missing,recovery can be performed if all archived logs since the creation of the missing datafile exist. Since the database is up you can check the tablespace name and put it offline. The option offline immediate is used to avoid that the update of the datafile header.
Pre requisites: All relevant archived logs.
1. sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’
2. alter tablespace offline immediate;
3. alter database create datafile ‘/user/oradata/u01/dbtst/newdata01.dbf;
4. exit
5. rman target /
6. recover tablespace ;
7. sql ‘alter tablespace online’;
If the create datafile command needs to be executed to place the datafile on a location different than the original use:
alter database create datafile ‘/user/oradata/u01/dbtst/newdata01.dbf’ as ‘/user/oradata/u02/dbtst/newdata01.dbf’

=> Restore and Recovery of a Datafile to a different location. Database is up.
If a non system datafile is missing and its original location not available, restore can be made to a different location and recovery performed.
Pre requisites: All relevant archived logs, complete cold or hot backup.
1. Use OS commands to restore the missing or corrupted datafile to the new location, ie:
cp -p /user/backup/uman/user01.dbf /user/oradata/u02/dbtst/user01.dbf
2. alter tablespace offline immediate;
3. alter tablespace rename datafile ‘/user/oradata/u01/dbtst/user01.dbf’ to ‘/user/oradata/u02/dbtst/user01.dbf’;
4. rman target /
5. recover tablespace ;
6. sql ‘alter tablespace online’;

=> Control File Recovery
Always multiplex your controlfiles. If you loose only one controlfile you can replace it with the one you have in place, and startup the Database. If both controlfiles are missing, the database will crash.
Pre requisites: A backup of your controlfile and all relevant archived logs. When using Rman alway set configuration parameter autobackup of controlfile to ON. You will need the dbid to restore the controlfile, get it from the name of the backed up controlfile.It is the number following the ‘c-’ at the start of the name.
1. rman target /
2. set dbid
3. startup nomount;
4. restore controlfile from autobackup;
5. alter database mount;
6. recover database;
7. alter database open resetlogs;
8. make a new complete backup, as the database is open in a new incarnation and previous archived log are not relevant.
Incomplete Recovery, Until Time/Sequence/Cancel
Incomplete recovery may be necessaire when the database crash and needs to be recovered, and in the recovery process you find that an archived log is missing. In this case recovery can only be made until the sequence before the one that is missing.
Another scenario for incomplete recovery occurs when an important object was dropped or incorrect data was committed on it.
In this case recovery needs to be performed until before the object was dropped.
Pre requisites: A full closed or open database backup and archived logs, the time or sequence that the ‘until’ recovery needs to be performed.
1. If the database is open, shutdown it to perform full restore.
2. rman target \
3. startup mount;
4. restore database;
5. recover database until sequence 8 thread 1; # you must pass the thread, if a single instance will always be 1.
6. alter database open resetlogs;
7. make a new complete backup, as the database is open in a new incarnation and previous archived log are not relevant.Alternatively you may use instead of until sequence, until time, ie: ‘2004-12-28:01:01:10′.

How do I find the overall database size?

how many megabytes are allocated to ALL datafiles:

select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "Meg" from dba_data_files;

To get the size of all TEMP files:
select nvl(sum(bytes),0)/1024/1024 "Meg" from dba_temp_files;

To get the size of the on-line redo-logs:
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "Meg" from sys.v_$log;

Putting it all together into a single query:

select a.data_size+b.temp_size+c.redo_size "total_size"
from ( select sum(bytes) data_size
from dba_data_files ) a,
( select nvl(sum(bytes),0) temp_size
from dba_temp_files ) b,
( select sum(bytes) redo_size
from sys.v_$log ) c

Core DBA

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Install Oracle 11g on Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux – 4)

Operating System Details:
Linux – (Red Had Enterprise Linux – 4.0)

Database Version Details:
Oracle 11g Release 1 (11.1.0)

Download Software: (linux_11gR1_database.zip)

Pre-Installation Tasks:

* Prepare the stage area for Oracle Software on the Serve
----- Choose the mount point where software needs to be staged.

----- Create the stage directories and change the ownership and permissions.
Su – root
Password: xxxxx ( Enter your root password Here)
# mkdir –p /u01/11gStage
# chown –R oracle:dba /u01/11gStage
# chmod –R 755 /u01/11gStage

----- Copy the software in the stage area
ftp the downloaded Oracle 11g software in this stage area and change the ownership and permissions.
$ cd /u01/11gStage
$ chown oracle:dba linux_11gR1_database.zip
$ chmod 755 linux_11gR1_database.zip

* Performing the pre-installation tasks
----- Check the size of physical RAM
$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
Note: During the installation it will say failed when it checks the available physical RAM is less than 900 MB , no problem even if you have less than 900MB (if it’s for testing purpose), you can continue with the installation.

----- Check the size of SWAP space
$ grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

----- Check the free disk space in “/tmp” directory
$ df -k /tmp

----- Check the free space available on the system
$ df –k

* Checking the Software Requirements
----- The version of Linux is installed
$ uname –a

----- Check the following required packages are installed.

----- To check RPMS are installed or not.
Login as ROOT user
# rpm –q libaio-devel-0.3.105-2
# rpm –q unixODBC-devel-2.2.11
Like this check for all the above RPMS.

----- Install the missing packages or rpms.
First download the missing RPMS from the relavent Linux websites, or if you have the CDs with you, used during the Linux Installation, you can use them to find the missing rpms from that.

----- To install or upgrade RPMS are installed or not.
Login as the ROOT user
# rpm –ivh unixODBC-devel-
# rpm –Uvh unixODBC-devel-

* Creating Required Operating System Groups and Users
----- Check and create DBA group
Su – root
Password: xxxxx ( Enter your root password Here)
# cat /etc/group|grep dba
# /usr/sbin/groupadd dba

----- Check and create ORACLE user and assign dba group.
# cat /etc/passwd|grep oracle
# /usr/sbin/useradd –d “/home/oracle” –m –g dba –c “Oracle 11g Owner” oracle

----- Set the password of the ORACLE user
# passwd oracle

* Create Required Directories
----- The Oracle Base Directory and Oracle Home Directories
Su – root
Password: xxxxxx (Enter the password for root here)
# mkdir –p /u01/app/oracle/product/11.0.1
# mkdir –p /u02/oradata

----- Chang the owner and group of the directories
# chown –R oracle:dba /u01/app/oracle/product/11.0.1
# chown –R oracle:dba /u02/oradata

----- Change the permissions of the directories
# chmod –R 755 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.0.1
# chmod –R 755 /u02/oradata

* Configuring Kernel Parameters
----- Check the current parameters and values in /etc/sysctl.conf
# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
Note: Take a back up of this file before changing the values and parameters.
# cp –p /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf.old

----- Check and add the below parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.file-max = 76800
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 4194304
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

----- To change the current values of the kernel parameters
# /sbin/sysctl -p

----- Make sure that the parameters and values in /etc/system file are set properly
# cat /etc/sysctl.conf

----- Check and set the following lines in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
Note: Take a back up of this file before changing the values and parameters.
# cp –p /etc/security/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.conf.old

oracle soft nproc 2047
oracle hard nproc 16384
oracle soft nofile 1024
oracle hard nofile 65536

----- Add or edit the following line in the /etc/pam.d/login file, if it does not already exist
Note: Take a back up of this file before changing the values and parameters.
# cp –p /etc/pam.d/login /etc/pam.d/login .old

session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so
session required pam_limits.so

* Configuring the Oracle User’s Environment
----- Check and change the contents of .profile or .lgoin files.
$ vi .bash_profile

----- Remove the oracle environment variables set already.

----- Check the DISPLAY variable is set, if not, then set the variable.
$ echo $DISPLAY
$ DISPLAY=:0.0
$ export DISPLAY
Su – root
Password: xxxx ( Enter the root password here)
# xhost +

----- Make sure that xclock command is running
$ xlcok

Installation of Oracle Software:

* Login as oracle on the server
Su – oracle
Password: xxxxx (Oracle user password)

* Go the directory where Oracle software is staged.
$ cd /u01/11gStage

* Unzip the software file
$ unzip linux_11gR1_database.zip

* Run/Launch the runinstaller
$ cd /u02/11gStage/database

* Answer to the subsequent wizards or screens options with the proper information

Note: Fore more instructions one creating the database using DBCA tool or Manual method, please refer my blog link for the same.

Conclusion: I have followed the above series of steps for installing on one of Linux boxes. I would request and suggest them to go through the referenced links below, who are willing to do this with other options during the installation and as per their requirement.


Oracle Database Installation Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1) for Linux


Installing Oracle Database 11g on Linux


Oracle 11g Documentations




Your suggestions would be appreciated !!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

ASM on Windows

ASM Creation (Windows)

You can follow this steps and create a ASM diskgroup on your local machine and play with it ( Windows)

1) Creating a dummy disks

F:\>mkdir asmdisks
F:\>cd asmdisks
F:\asmdisks>asmtool -create F:\asmdisks\ disk1 512
F:\asmdisks>asmtool -create F:\asmdisks\ disk2 512
F:\asmdisks>asmtool -create F:\asmdisks\ disk3 512

Now you have 3 disks(dummy) of 512mb each which can be used to create a ASM disk group.

2) Create ASM instance

a) Configure Cluster Synchronization Servie

C:\>c:\oracle\product\ 10.2.0\db_ 1\BIN\localconfi g add

Step 1: stopping local CSS stack
Step 2: deleting OCR repository
Step 3: creating new OCR repository
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'ap\arogyaa' , privgrp ''..
Operation successful.
Step 4: creating new CSS service
successfully created local CSS service
successfully reset location of CSS setup
b) Create Init pfile
Open notepad edit the following parameters and save file as "C:\oracle\product\ 10.2.0\db_ 1\database\ init+ASM. ora"
ASM_DISKSTRING= 'F:\asmdisks\ *'

c) Create service and password file
oradim will create an ASM instance and start it automatically.
c:\> orapwd file=C:\oracle\ product\10. 2.0\db_1\ database\ PWD+ASM.ora password=asm
c:\> oradim -NEW -ASMSID +ASM -STARTMODE auto

3) Create ASM disk group
a) Create asm disk group
SQL> select path, mount_status from v$asm_disk;
------------ --------- --------- --

SQL> create diskgroup data external redundancy disk
Diskgroup created.
b) Change PFILE to SPFILE, Add ASM Diskgroup parameter and your all set to go and use ASM.
SQL> create spfile from pfile;
SQL> startup force;
SQL> alter system set asm_diskgroups= data scope=spfile;
SQL> startup force;
SQL> startup force
ASM instance started
Total System Global Area 83886080 bytes
Fixed Size 1247420 bytes
Variable Size 57472836 bytes
ASM Cache 25165824 bytes
ASM diskgroups mounted
Now you can go ahead and use your DBCA and create a database and on step 6 of 13, you can use Automatic Storage management as your Filesystem.