Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Difference Between AFN & RFN


Relative file no is the file no. generated which belongs to only one tablespace.
Every tablespace has its own datafiles will be referred by Relative file no.
So the relative file no. can be repeated in each tablespaces.
Eg; TAblespace users(TS#1) has 2 datafiles then Relative file no. REL file no. 1 and 2 for tablespace #1.
Tablespace userdata(TS#2) has 2 datafiles then Relative file no. will be 1 and 2 for tablespace # 2.

A tablespace can have only 1022 max datafiles .. so Relative file no will be 1022 for each tablespace max.


Whereas Absolute file no is Datafile No. generated uniquely at database level.

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